The day began as I knocked on Charlie's door at 8:15. He was excited that the Grandfather clock was exactly in sync with his wrist watch (which is the master clock in the house). We're trying to get into the habbit of waking up and going to Breakfast, which closes at 9. The old habbits of sleeping all day just don't lead to healthy exercise and interactions with others. He was up, but not ready. We made it to Breakfast about 7 minutes before 9, just in under the wire for the second day in a row. Tomorrow we will start 15 minutes earlier.

Breakfast was a hearty scrambled eggs, toast, 4 sausages, orange juice, and coffee. I had the same, except with a bagel. I've been working in his rhythm, and I will tell you, his appetite is strong. There is no question but that this is substantally different from his previous living situation, and that it will make him much healthier. After breakfast, we came back to the room, and could see the preparations beginning. Charlie's room overlooks the back patio.

We continued to build the our "Take a Walk" habbit , today to explore the next street up, Long Beach Blvd.